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HallStar® BST-COS

INCI Name: Butyl Stearate
Product Code: 0029
CAS #: 123-95-5
EINECS: 204-666-5
Brand: HallStar®

HallStar® BST-COS is a low viscosity, low color and low odor emollient ester prepared from vegetable-derived triple-pressed quality stearic acid and n-butanol. It imparts a light smooth feel to skin, and its broad co-solubility make it useful as an emollient in a wide variety of personal care products and as a plasticizer and superfatting agent in nail care products. Recommended use levels are up to 40% in bath additives, up to 25% in leave-on skin care products (including facial care), and up to 10% in rinse-off products including hair conditioners.

Features & Benefits:

  • Pigment Wetter & Dispersant
  • 80% reduction in VOCs compared with Texanol: meets and exceeds international regulations for no VOCs
  • Solubilizing Agent
  • Superfatting Agent

The information presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made regarding the information or the performance of any product. Further, nothing contained herein shall be taken as any inducement or recommendation to use, manufacture or sell that may infringe any patents or any other proprietary rights now or hereafter in existence, nor to imply compliance with any regulatory requirements

The Hallstar Company - 120 South Riverside Plaza Suite 1620 - Chicago, IL 60606-3911 USA